Regulatory Matters
As the Regulator, the Commission is directed by legislation as it pertains to the regulation of the telecommunications sector. This section of the website provides information on the matters that are guided by the Telecommunications Act and the Regulation and its ensuing guidelines, manual and other documents.
Amateur Radio Operation
Amateur radio operation is a personal and rewarding hobby to its many enthusiasts, and is a crucial source of communications in times of disaster. It is also a form of telecommunications, which is governed in Saint Lucia by the Telecommunications Act [No. 27 of 2000] and its associated Regulations. As presently drafted, the focus of the Act is on the provision of telecommunications service to the…READ MORE
Dispute Resolution Regulations
Subject to the provisions of the regulation 3 (3), where a dispute arises between a retail customer and a telecommunications provider, or between two or more telecommunications providers, there aggrieved party, shall first seek redress from the respondent telecommunications provider, by subject to sub-regulations (2) and (3), filing a statement of complaint on the respondent…READ MORE
Frameworks and Technical Standards
These documents were formulated by the Commission to assist and oversee certain aspects of the telecommunications sector in Saint Lucia. These documents provide the necessary guidance with respect to the acceptable principles and standards for the various telecommunications operations. The purpose of these frameworks are to provide a clear and…READ MORE
Interconnection is the physical linking of a carrier’s network with equipment or facilities not belonging to that network. The term may refer to a connection between a carrier’s facilities and the equipment belonging to its customer, or to a connection between two (or more) carriers. As guided by the Telecommunications (Interconnection) Regulations Public Network operators have certain rights and obligations. READ MORE
ECTEL Regional Spectrum Management Plan
The radio spectrum is an important but limited resource managed by the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority, ECTEL, for the people of the ECTEL Member States of the Eastern Caribbean. The radio spectrum provides a useful medium for the establishment of telecommunications and broadcasting services for the functioning and growth of the economy of the region. The ECTEL Regional Spectrum Management Plan is a regional plan and divides the ECTEL radio frequency spectrum into a number of frequency bands and designates the general purposes for which each band may be utilized. This process is referred to as the allocation of frequency bands to radio communication services. ECTEL is responsible for providing advice to the governments of the region on the allocation of the spectrum resource to meet the demands of existing and emerging technologies and services thereby ensuring that the radio spectrum provides the greatest economic and social benefit to the peoples of the region. ECTEL Member States are signatories to the International Telecommunications Union, ITU, and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, CTU, and collaborate with other intergovernmental and national telecommunications regulatory organizations in the Americas. Consequently, there is a need to have a regional spectrum framework that will inform the development of national telecommunications infrastructure within ECTEL Member States and will ensure that international treaties are addressed. Click on the links below for more…
Licensing & Frequency Authorization
As prescribed by the Telecommunications (Licensing and Authorisation) Regulations, an applicant shall submit an application for a licence to the Commission in writing on the recommended form. Additionally, the Commission prepared a Sector Procedures Manual designed with the purpose to inform…READ MORE
Spectrum Monitoring & Management Numbering Resource
Subject to the provisions of the regulation 3 (3), where a dispute arises between a retail customer and a telecommunications provider, or between two or more telecommunications providers, there aggrieved party, shall first seek redress from the respondent telecommunications…READ MORE
Tariff & Pricing
This is the section that deals with Tariff & Pricing as guided by the Retail Tariff & Wholesale Regulations. In addition, the parent Act at Section 12 subsection (1) (e) charges the Commission with the mandate of regulating prices.
Under this section the Price Cap Plan also plays its role as it is a means for regulating curtain services or providers as it pertains to prices… READ MORE
Under this section the Price Cap Plan also plays its role as it is a means for regulating curtain services or providers as it pertains to prices… READ MORE